Thursday, June 18, 2009

Here at Last!

Well everyone, I made it. I am currently typing this from the computer of the Pastor I am staying with currently, and he is Portuguese so certain features like apostrophes are just not going to be able to happen.

Today marks my first full day in Kenya. I arrived last night at 1030 local time (sorry, the colon button doesnt do the colon either but rather makes a Ç whatever that means in Portuguese). I will be going to the grocery store today and moving into where I will be staying for the next month.

A few brief observations...

1) The internet here is painfully slow, think late 90s slow... I am not sure if I will have internet access at my home for the month or not, so this may or may not be the last post for a while. Due to the internet being slow, it will also probably be difficult for me to upload pictures

2) This first house I am at is very nice, much like any house in America would be, though obviously a different style, with stone walls and natural African surroundings, etc. Very nice though, I stayed in a nice room, with a normal shower and toilet and everything, just like home. I am told this is a nicer portion of Niarobi and that some of the places I will visit are very very very poor. Emphasis on the very poor.

Well, I am being called on to go to the market now, so off I go. Sorry to cut short. Love you all! Blesssings!


  1. Hey buddy I am glad you made it there safely!

  2. Glad to know you made is safe Joseph. I miss you already and I wish you the best of luck. We will all be praying for you. :)

  3. I'm happy to hear you made it there safely :) I miss you a ton! Remember... No malaria!!!! ;)
