Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 19 Experiences--Monday, July 6

Matthew and I went to Umoja today to sit in on one of the HIV Positive support groups. We ended up interacting with the children more.

-Pastor Mark at Umoja is awesome. He is a bright man (went to the US to study at Ft. Wayne Seminary) and very joyous and happy. He is a light, and it was pleasure being with him even if just a few times. His sons and their friends are all amazing too. They took me all over Umoja showing me around, and were very friendly and welcoming. The joy that they expressed and the friendliness towards me is something I won't soon forget. I also understand that this congregation needs help. As I stated in a previous post, they are meeting in what is the equivilent in a line of storage facilities and they have just rented one and are in it. That is the set-up they have in their strip and about the room they have, and they are growing and they are deeply involved in all the workings of the community. They are truly doing good work there.

-I saw a Kansas City Chief's shirt today.

-The people here feel that this weather is very cold, and they certainly act like it. I am more than comfortable in a t-shirt and jeans. In fact, if I could I'd be in shorts. They go around buttoned up in full winter coats and stocking caps. Its really interesting to behold and more so when they ask me if I am freezing.

-I walked in to the Pastor's Bible study he was holding. The point he was making was about John 8:1-11 He asked why the people there only brought the woman to Jesus. Why not the man? It takes two to tango. I think its an interesting point for everyone to look at but specifically this society as well. Wouldn't you agree Janice Reynolds?

-Pastor's sons and friends were listening to some music videos, among them was Coldplay. It was nice to inform them that they are one of my favorite bands.

-Flowers here are one of their biggest exports. You can get a twenty roses for $1.50

1 comment:

  1. Only 4 more updates and you will be back to the future. :)

    Miss you!
    Stay safe!
    I'm happy to read all your posts and proud of your work.
    Love MOM
