Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 25 Experiences--Sunday, July 12

Today I got to go to the service at Kawangware. About an hour before the service was a special service for the street boys. Matthew and I were both supposed to share a message with them. We held the “service” in a small room by the sanctuary. About 10 to 15 boys were there. They were extremely dirty, and wearing torn and tattered clothing for the “cold” weather. We sang a few songs which they got into a little bit, and then we shared the Word of God with them and shared our message through a translator.

Mine was very short and to the point. I talked about John chapter 6--Jesus being the Bread of Life. It was a simple message about how Jesus loves them, how our bodies must have bread to live, but spiritually we must have Jesus or we are dead still. I hope the simplicity of my message was helpful, I think they were paying attention. I would have gone on longer but I don’t think it would’ve been proper. After this, we prayed and listened to a couple of their stories through a translator. The stories were sad, but the two boys who talked kept a general thankfulness and hope about them. We gave them some bread and tea to drink (they make their tea with milk not water) and they gobbled it up as if they had not eaten in some time.

We were truly witnessing the absolute bottom rung of human existence. Teenage boys with no homes, no food, decrepit clothing, no one in the world that gave a care about them. Life was about survival and the easing of pain, which is why they are getting addicted to bad substances like glue sniffing which I saw was very prevalent.

I know that nothing of my words or anything I can do is able to change their situation here right now. I simply pray that the power of God’s Word works in and among them. If God’s Word when used with water, can claim a person like me as His child, and it can create the heavens and the earth, then it can do anything.

-I got to go to the normal service that the Lutheran Church at Kawangware has. They only have one service, and it's in Swahili. Their services last for several hours. This is mainly due to the fact that they seem in no hurry to do anything, but take their time moving about doing the readings, have announcements and such as well as just general talking about church business and happenings. All of this adds large amounts of time to the service. They also really love to sing, so they have lots and lots of songs. We had a song after each reading, one to start the service, one after a responsive, etc., etc. Most of the music was great, although the whole time I had no idea what they were talking about. The only time they did speak in English was to have me stand up and talk (right smack dab in the middle of the service). I could tell they were talking to me (seeing as I was the only white one in the service as Matthew had left) when they switched to English just momentarily. I extended greetings from the US and that I was blessed and thankful to be a part of their service.

-After a few more pieces of the service, the sermon was about to begin. Before the sermon they send all of the kids out for Sunday school. This was bittersweet for me because it meant I had to miss the rest of the service and music, but it also turned out to be one of the best experiences I have had here.

I got to take the “teenager's” class, though I think that is just what they call it because there could not have been a kid over 13 or 14 in their group, and none younger than probably 8. There was a pretty decent group there (my guess is 30) though I’m told there is normally more. We sang a little, prayed, and then it was time for me to lead their lesson. The lesson was from Acts chapter 28, all the way to the end. I simply had them read from the Bible, and explained the story, and truths we could get from it as we went along. My two main points were that even when something bad happens, God can turn it into something good. Paul was arrested (bad) but because he was arrested and forced to stay put, he wrote letters instead of just traveling. These letters would later make up most of our New Testament. We have much of our Bible (good) because Paul was in chains (bad). The other point was that Paul did not complain or feel sorry for himself, but continued to preach about God.

The lesson went well, and I went slow and think that everyone followed along. Afterwards I asked for questions and after a slow start, it really turned up. I felt like I was the out of town traveling “wise man” that was there to answer any and every question about God they ever had. It was such a joy to be able to listen to these adolescents ask questions that troubled them, and they simply didn’t know or hadn’t been taught. Questions ranged from “Is heaven up?” to “What do you have to do to get to heaven?” to “Jesus was taken up to the sky so doesn’t that mean heaven is up?” (hard one to explain) to “How much do I have to repent?” to everything else. It was my greatest joy to be able to answer most of their questions, and to share with them the joy of Christ.

My favorite moment was after we got done, Douglass (a member of the Conquerors and helping me that day) asked them what they had learned. One boy put his hand up and said “I learned that all I have to do to go to heaven is believe in Jesus and that he died on the cross for my sins.” I don’t know if he had just learned that this day, or if it was simply him saying what he heard in another lesson, but I couldn’t help but smile when he said it. It was so great to be able to share with each and everyone of them that God loved them no matter what they did forever and for always (yes we opened up the end of Romans 8 too).

All in all it was one of my happiest and most rewarding experiences here.

-After Sunday School I got to talking with Douglass of the musical group the Conquerors and all the great work they are doing. They are severely limited by finances though with the work they can do. They want to reach out and connect with more children but they simply don’t have the means to get out further. Their dream (he said it just like a boy who says he wants to be a Major League Baseball player when he grows up) is to one day go to the United States to play their music. I can say first hand, they are very very talented, and are doing great work for the Lord. For the second time in as many days I was pledging to help support them through prayer and whatever else I could do. A lot of that will depend on support from all of you.

They are fundraising for a ministry van. They visit so many schools and have so many more ask them to come (yes public schools asking this Christian band) but they simply can’t because they have no way of getting there and no way of hauling their equipment. They also want materials, devotionals, inspiration books, prayer books, etc. that they can give to these kids to help them.

These are just a few of their needs. This is another group that I would like to send things back to as they need it, doing whatever I can to help, even if its just sending a few Portals of Prayer or something like that.

Well, I’ve written a lot for these two days. I need to be getting some food now. I love you all.



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