Saturday, June 13, 2009

3 Short Days

Its just 3 short days until I leave. As far as I know, I am completely ready to go. At this point I am very excited, only a little bit nervous, and filled with the knowledge that I will miss you all for the month I will be gone, but joyful that my reasons for missing you very well outweigh my actual missing you. If that wasn't confusing enough, basically I know that I have the chance to do good work for God and His kingdom and that is worth sacrificing everything!

I was talking with a buddy of mine, Jason Hall, and the fact that me going to Africa could be inspiring to some. I then began to wonder where my motivation to go and serve comes from. I quickly deduced the answer. I am motivated to sere by the Holy Spirit working with in me. So any person that is then inspired on my account is also inspired through the Holy Spirit. In this way, we can see God working through my trip, and through all things.

The final thing I would like to say in this post, is that I appreciate all of the support that has been given to me thus far. It has truly been humbling and inspiring (there's that Holy Spirit working again). Thank you all for your gifts and your prayers. One last tidbit, I am not taking a razor to Africa, partially due to luggage space and weight, and partially due to me not wanting to shave while I'm over. A few of my male friends (Dan Schelp, Jason Hall, Dan Rathe) have said that in support of my endeavors they too promise not to shave while I am in Africa. So be on the look out for ZZ Top walking around Springfield in the coming month.

Just a few more days...


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