Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 4 Here

Greetings in Christ!

There is so much to share with you! I have no time, and the internet is so bad! Ugh! I miss you all, and wish I could come back just to see all your faces and to share all there is for me to share what I have learned and experienced in just 4 short full days! My work here is not yet done though, not even close!

We went to church at 9 this morning, and left at 1:30 and they were still singing and dancing! I promise promise promise within the next couple of days I will make several posts with the titles of the days they come from telling what we did, and the observations and everthing. There is just so much difficulty with everything, and the internet, and using a Portuguese computer, and not on my computer, and having my notes for the days in different places that it would not do it justice for me to write one now.

So far I have been reliant on emailing my father from this computer (which though it may take hours in the outbox is more reliable) and having him make the post with pictures from the U.S. So I will probably compose some messages on my computer back at my compound some night here in the next few days and then email it out.

For now I will just say that I miss you all. I miss date nights with my friends, I miss baseball, I miss going to my home church that is truly my home and the fellowship there with each of you. I miss my shower, and my home, and fast fast fast internet (never thought I would say that about Mediacom wink wink). Despite my longings for these things and many others, I cannot say, and dont want to create the impression that I am down hearted, because I am not! I am completely joyful to be serving my Lord! I have longings, but my longing to do Gods Will is much greater! I know that the work I am doing here is important!

Anyway, blessings to you all. I love you!


  1. I told you I'd be following your blog like a lion stalks a gazelle (or something like that). Here's a little bit of wisdom for you to think about through the thin and thick of your trip. Ecclesiastes 7:14, "When times are good, be happy, but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other." Take care friend!


  2. Looks like all of you are having a great time! So glad that you are able to share The Word with our brothers and sisters in Africa! Thanks for posting pictures and updating your blog. :-) We are praying that you have a safe trip.

    (David and Janice's daughter)

  3. Jason and VictoriaJune 21, 2009 at 10:22 PM

    Joseph Highley, Victoria and I miss you so much but it's great to hear that you're doing well and to see the pictures of the work you're doing! It's not the same here without you so we want you to come back to us as soon as you're done there ok?!?! I love you Joseph, don't forget to show them your version of the African dance ;)

    K- Joe Joe, I hope you are having a wonderful time. We all miss you very much! I am also doing my very best to be a good you ha, however, Dan says it isn't the same... So you need to come back soon. :) I miss you oh so very much and I hope that you are having a great time. I LOVE YOU JOSEPH!
    -Va Va Victoria
