Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Work Begins

Greetings Redeemer from Kenya,

We are busy at the Lords work here in Niarobi, Kenya! We have begun building the church and working with the local people. God is truly at work here in so many ways. Here are just a few of the pictures from our experiences.

We appreciate and ask for your continued prayers for Gods Word to be spread amongst these people. Our entire Redeemer team here is joyfully going about our work and loving every minute of it. We miss you all, but we wouldnt trade our experiences and the opportunity to spread the Gospel here for anything!

I wish I could write more, there is so much to share, but the internet is just so slow and I dont have any time to be on it as it is. This very message and photos are being sent out through my mother. Rest assured, I will type when I can, and am keeping a daily journal, so someday I may make several days and topics of posts at once. If only the internet were faster. I love and miss you all though, and wish I could chat and share all I have learned in just my three full days here.

Gods Blessings!

Joseph Highley


  1. It truly is great to hear that things are going well. I will continue to keep you and the others in my prayers and look forward to hearing all about it and seeing pictures also.

  2. Joseph I see you are wearing your gloves! I think your recent rock demolition work has prepared you well for this work :) Lots of smiling children! Looks like a great time and great work! Praying for you!

    My sterotypes? African's are very passionate, joyful and enthusiastic Christians, at least the ones I have met. Also, in Brazil I was amazed that even in poor conditions the children are very clean and well groomed with clean clothes. I think the mothers work hard to keep them clean even with meager means. Your photo seems to indicate the same in Africa. Moms are the same everywhere??
    Love YOUR MOM

  3. Jojo I love that picture of the children! It looks like you are having a great time and are doing great things over there. I am proud to call you my friend.
