Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day 21 Experiences--Wednesday, July 8

Yup, I'm in the 20's now, and its day 24 here as I write this. I leave here late at night on local time next Wednesday. My stay is almost over. About to head to bed, here are the thoughts from this day before I do:

-Went to the Heart to Heart meeting made up of members of the area Lutheran churches. As I think I've said before, Heart to Heart works closely with orphans in the Nairobi area, and works to get them scholarships from donars to go to and finish school. Currently most of the sponsors are from Hungary.

-I've been thinking about my brother Jason Highley a lot lately. I miss the fella. I encourage you all to keep him in your prayers as he is across the Atlantic (and as I write this I also have the knowledge that he to was in Africa, who would've thought, two Highley boys in Africa at the same time) I love the guy, and I am pretty sure most of you reading this who know him do to. Thanks for serving us and your country Jason and come home safe.

-I woke up and found out I have music from home on my memory stick so I was listening to it. I listened to "Simle Gifts" performed by Robert Sims. I encourage all of you to youtube that or find some other way to listen to it, and then to contemplate the words. I love the message, and despite my grand desires to do something great for the good of God and all mankind, I think there is something to be said about living the simple life, "tis a gift to be simple, tis a gift to be free" For those of us living in America we have been afforded the ability to do just that, to live simple free lives to get married and have children, and bring them up in the knowledge of Christ. Tis a gift...

-I am currently reading at leisure here "Six Frigates" It is about the founding of the U.S. Navy, and is immensely fascinating. For those of you interested in American history I would strongly encourage you to read it. I picked it up on the recommendation of my brother, and of course he too is in the navy... probably explains why he's been on my mind even more than usual.

-Something I must say about this country, they make some of the best milkshakes I have ever experienced. I don't even consider myself a big milkshake man. In fact, most of the time I pick something else when given the option, but my goodness they are good here. I simply cannot turn them away.

-Two men were walking down the street today holding hands. Apparently this has nothing to do with being homosexual here, just that the men are really good friends. Very interesting, I am not sure that that attitude is going to catch on in the States anytime soon...

-Pastor Winterle was telling me today that the average life expectancy in Kenya dropped from about 55 to 45 about ten years ago due to the AIDS pandemic. Not that 55 years was very high, but add AIDS to the mix, and suddenly someone who is 60 seems very old, and people who are 40 are well up in their years and elders of the society. Such is the situation here right now.

Well, I suppose I am off to bed. I get to preach tomorrow at the street boy's service, I look forward to it, I'll let you know how that goes on day 25 experiences. God's blessings to all of you. Less than a week away.



  1. Joseph-
    It's always a pleasure to read about your time in Africa and your thoughts as well =] i wish i could be there with you, I pray God continues to keep you out of harms way.

    Love- Jason =]

  2. I read that book Six Frigates a few years ago. I have to agree it's an awesome book. Hope you have safe trip back, I'll probably still be at running camp for another day, but see you after that.

