Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Photo pulled from internet to show Matatu mass transit in Kenya

Well, today marks my 14th full day here in Kenya, and 16th day since I left home. It seems like yesterday and it seems like years ago. I know my final 2 weeks here will fly by and be done before Iwant them to be, and yet it seems like forever before I will see all of you again or at least be in a place where contact is easier. I know I will not be ready to leave when it is over, and I wish I was already home. Yes, I am intentionally dealing in paradoxes here, and that seems to be appropriate for Africa....

Today is also the first day that the group has been gone. I am now the only American I am in contact with that is here. Matthew my roaming partner arrived today, he is from Hungary, and speaks english enough for us to communicate properly, though not as well as Pastor Winterle, not even close, though I am impressived with Pastor Winterles use of the English language, as well as anyone who can speak multiple languages. I will have more on the languages subject in a later post.

As is the title of this post, it is transition time. I will now be going out without Pastor Winterle or anyone else I knew from before the trip. It will be just Matthew and I going out places, taking public transportation called Matatus which I am sure you could wikipedia and find out all about. They are so dangerous, smelly, and crowded there was actually concern raised that the two of us going just together (not even alone) might be unsafe. That is what we will be doing. I have seen them, they drive crazy, and normally have someone hanging off the back, as well as 20 people inside a 15 passenger van. We will be working hands on with people, and mostly with the street boys at a place called Kibera and Kawangware.

The adventure truly begins now, I am out of the group and on my own (even have a cell phone now). This is what I had expected all along, so the first two weeks being with fellow Americans and friends and the group everywhere was nice and comforting. I have no worries though, I know that I will make it and if I dont, that is Gods will and could just as easily happen in the New York City or St. Louis, etc. Let the fun begin! Praise to God, and pray that his Word grows among these people and we are able to bring the good news and help to them!



  1. Keep up the good work JoeJoe, stay safe and we will definitely keep you in our prayers. Its great to hear your journeys and how God has continued to lead you day in and day out. Blessings on the rest of your trip!

  2. Okay, so now I have to really start praying for your safety????

    Please be careful!
    Nice photos! Are you able to take video too?
    Love MOM
